Consultancy Projects – Africa
HydroPower Plant of Laúca – Biodiversity Management Plan
Ichthtyologist consultant. Ichthyofauna survey and monitoring program of the HydroPower plant of Laúca located on the Kwanza River (Angola). Mãe d’Água, Lda. (Portugal), EnvGreen, Lda. (Angola)
dec 2015 – fev 2016

Onshore Environmental Baseline in Area 4 (dry and wet seasons), Development Projects and their Areas of Influence, Palma District (Mozambique)
Ichthyologist consultant responsible for the survey of ichthyofauna. Baseline study of flora and fauna biodiversity inside the project’s area. BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
oct – nov 2014 (dry season) jan – feb 2015 (wet season)

Master Plan for Tourism Development in the Okavango Basin: Phase 1 – Characterization and Diagnostic Studies, Tourism Development Scenarios, and Strategic Concept Proposal, Dirico – Cuando-Cubango Province
Ichthyologist consultant.
ArqPais, Lda. (Portugal)
jul 2012

Responsible for the ichthyofauna group, surveying the potential ecological values in each hydrographic unit, identifying Ecologically Sensitive Areas, and valuing of Ecosystem Services in each Hydrographic Unit.
Government of Angola, COBA, Lda./BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
Nacala Corridor Project
5 distinct EIAs on ichthyofauna data for: – Moatize Mine Expansion, Tete, Mozambique – Railway line between Moatize mine and Malawi boarder, Tete, Mozambique – Malawi – Railway line in Malawi – Existing railway line in Mozambique up to about 20 km from Nacala harbour, Cuamba – Nacala, Mozambique – Nacala harbour, Cuamba – Nacala, Mozambique VALE Ltd. (Brazil), COBA, Lda./BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
jun 2010