Consultancy Projects – Europe

Monitoring Programme of Sabugal Wind Farm
Monitoring of birds’ mortality, during wind farm’s operation phase including habitat and flora descriptions, and fauna (birds, bats, and wolfs) surveys.
Ecologist at BIOTA, Lda., Lestenergia – Exploração de Parques Eólicos, S.A.
Ecologist at BIOTA, Lda., Lestenergia – Exploração de Parques Eólicos, S.A.
Biological Surveys on the Alqueva’s Islands
Identification of amphibians’ calls during Fauna Surveys of 63 islands, including terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. All surveys included in the major monitoring programme of communities’ changes since the filling up of reservoir (2001-2013).
Ecologist at BIOTA, Lda., MFA, Lda./EDIA, S.A.
2012 – 2013

Monitoring programme for ecological stream flows assessments, downstream of 4 HPPs: biological and hydromorphological elements
Ichthyofauna ecology.
Ecological condition of river sectors to assess ecological flow maintenance efficiency downstream of 4 dams. The monitoring programme included macrophytes, diatoms, macroinvertebrates, and fishes species surveys, altogether with hydromorphological elements to assess conservation status of the river sector.
BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
Ecological condition of river sectors to assess ecological flow maintenance efficiency downstream of 4 dams. The monitoring programme included macrophytes, diatoms, macroinvertebrates, and fishes species surveys, altogether with hydromorphological elements to assess conservation status of the river sector.
BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
2009 – 2011, Ichthyologist consultant
2011 – 2013, Ichthyologist at BIOTA, Lda.
2011 – 2013, Ichthyologist at BIOTA, Lda.
Monitoring Plan of the expansion of Milhanes’ Quarry (n.º 4389)
Ichthyofauna ecology.
Fish surveys in a river receiving effluents from a quarry during its monitoring operation phase of a plaster quarry. Four field campaigns per year.
CIMPOR, Lda./BIOTA, Lda. (Portugal)
2011 – 2013

Algarve River Basins Management Plan
Ichthyologist responsible for Mira and Arade river basins.
This Algarve River Basins Management Plan aims to get a planning, management, protection and environmental, social and economic valuation (ecosystem services) overview at the river basins level.
Final Report to PROCESL, Lda./DRA/INAG, CBA/FCUL
This Algarve River Basins Management Plan aims to get a planning, management, protection and environmental, social and economic valuation (ecosystem services) overview at the river basins level.
Final Report to PROCESL, Lda./DRA/INAG, CBA/FCUL
1999 – 2001